Meet Riley Moore

My story may be unique in that I have always believed God existed, but I have not always believed God. I have not always honored Him nor found it necessary to be at peace with Him. I did not find it necessary to be justified or righteous before Him. 

I have been beyond blessed in my life. I was blessed to have a family (Father, Mom, and siblings) that stayed together. I have been blessed to be a part of multiple church families that have all helped me in my walk with Christ. I would not be where I am today if I had missed these relationships and growth through their care. Most importantly, God gave me a wife who is always with me and incredibly supportive.  

There have been many influential people in my life, all of which were used by God to steer me in the direction that would move me in such a way as to grow in Christ. This was not an easy road for me; honestly, if there was a way to be part of the problem, I was not just finding it but searching for it. There have been too many people to mention who have guided me along the path of correction, but I can tell you I needed them all. 

One meaningful change in my life is my thirst to understand God’s Word. The Word, the Logos, the culmination of the triune God, is where we need to be, where we are to dwell. What got me deeper into the world? Two of the most influential people in my life when it came to learning the word were great teachers of the word. They were encyclopedias in God’s word, and I enjoyed all their classes, but it made me lazy. I let them do all the work and sat back, taking it all in. After I moved, I missed that ultra-deep dive into the Word. So much so that I started to dig myself in. As much as I loved their classes, moving was best for me. 

Our goal of the Logos, the word, is to know the fullness of God intimately. The knowing of me and the knowing of Christ become inseparably bound together. I indwell him, and he indwells me. This is what the Bible means when it says to know someone, and how much more so is that true with Christ? This involves the death of the old me to identify with this new relationship. We are called to cultivate that level of receptivity with Christ. We are called to receive Christ into us as He receives us in Him. 

I will leave you with this quote, “keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.” Are you ready to commit your life to the unimaginable event of the risen Savior? The Gospel is unimaginable to the unsaved but apparent to those saved by the Holy Spirit. When you have the Holy Spirit in you, that unimaginable thought becomes the saving knowledge of the truth of God and leaves us unimaginably changed forever. The Gospel becomes the fuel by which we live. Are you ready to become more aware of the wonder, the power, the reality of the Saving Grace, and the Power of Christ?