Rick’s Messages

  • The New Covenant

    The old covenant with Israel was governed by obeying the law of Moses for righteousness which no one could attain “as it is written: None is righteous, no, not one; The law was a placeholder of sorts until the “Seed” that was to come arrived as the Apostle Paul explains to the Romans. Romans 8:3…

  • The Cup of Hope – A Sermon

    In eternity past before time began and before anything was created, God foreordained His only begotten Son, to Redeem us. God in His foreknowledge knows everything that is to happen so He gave us the only provision we would ever need to have hope: His Son, the Word of God. Now, after God had completed…

  • Mystery of Iniquity

    Why did God allow heinous acts of lawlessness to happen? The Apostle Paul spoke of the lawlessness this represented as the “Mystery of Iniquity” In 2 Thessalonians 2:7. “For the mystery of iniquity is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.” The so-called…

  • The Birth of Jesus

    We’ll read this scripture below in Mathew about the birth of the Lord Jesus and then look at all of the prophesy in the Old Testament about His birth and life so that we can have a strong confidence that God fulfills His promises so that we believe on Him.  In John 14:29, Jesus tells…

  • Righteousness by Faith Again

    In the fullness of time, we’ve come full circle. First came righteousness by faith and then by the Law of Moses and now again by faith after God sent His Son to redeem us. Let’s examine the history of this and what the purpose of the Law was and why it’s no longer needed for…

  • Want more faith?

    God’s Word tells us how we obtain faith and how we nourish it: “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” That faith we obtain from God’s Word is first established by believing that He is and that He is the rewarder of all those who seek Him and that gives us…

  • Thinking of prayer in a different way

    Remember Jesus’ story in Luke 11:5-13 of the man who went to a friend’s house at midnight and knocked on the door because he had guests and needed bread to serve them. At first, his friend turned him away as he was already in bed for the night and didn’t want to be bothered but…

  • Christ Arisen

    Now Jesus had been in the grave on the evening of the “Day of Preparation” and lied there through the Sabbath and now it’s the third day and the women who loved Him came to anoint His body with spices and ointments consisting of myrrh and aloes that Nicodemus had purchased for them. When they…

  • Gifts of Serving

    In this lesson, the Apostle Paul is showing us how to serve God using the gifts we’ve received from Him. But before we can put those gifts into service, as a foundation, we have to be transformed into something that is pleasing and useful to Him. So, Paul starts out by showing us how to…