Riley’s Messages

  • The Boundless Love of God

    In my journey, I tend to seek comfort and affirmation from others. It seems natural to move away from things that frustrate me. One of the most profound sources of these is the love of God. This divine love is not just a concept but a transformative force that can bring peace, joy, and purpose…

  • Part three in the Holy Spirit Series

    Power over Sin The Holy Spirit gives us the power to overcome sin in several ways. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin. When we sin, the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins and leads us to repentance. The Holy Spirit helps us to resist temptation. When tempted to sin, the Holy Spirit helps…

  • Embracing the Moral Code of God

    Amid life’s complexities and challenges, God’s moral code shines as a guiding light, providing enduring principles that foster integrity, compassion, and meaning. More than just a set of rules, this divine foundation opens the door to a deeper, more rewarding life. God’s moral code is frequently reflected in the sacred texts and teachings of diverse…

  • Part two in the Holy Spirit Series

    Powers of the Holy Spirit Given to Us The Holy Spirit gives us many powers as Christians. These powers include: The Holy Spirit is a powerful helper and guide for Christians. He is available to all who believe in Jesus Christ, and He wants to empower us to live a life that is pleasing to…

  • Psalm 3 a reflection of Trust

    Life frequently confronts us with challenges that may seem insurmountable. In such moments, spiritual texts can serve as a source of solace and direction. Psalm 3 stands out as a remarkable example, delivering deep wisdom on faith, strength, and the reassurance of divine protection. Psalm 3, from King David, was composed during a period of…

  • Part one of the Holy Spirit Series

    Ascension and coming the down of the Holy Spirit I am beginning a series of messages exploring Christ’s ascension and the arrival of the Holy Spirit. This ten-part series will focus on the various powers and gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit. These separate messages will come out every other morning. The Ascension…

  • What is the Gospel of Christ?

    The Gospel of Christ, also known as the Good News, is the central message of Christianity. It begins with the belief that God created the world and everything in it, including humans, out of love, desiring a personal relationship with each person. However, humans have sinned, causing a separation between them and God, leading to…

  • Why would God allow me to suffer?

    God bestows upon humans the incredible gift of free will, granting us the capacity to distinguish and choose between right and wrong. This remarkable freedom empowers us to make our own decisions and navigate the complexities of life. However, it also comes with the responsibility of our choices, as we can either align our actions…

  • Fasting

    Fasting, in Hebrew, means to “cover over the mouth.” In Greek, it means “to abstain from food”. Still, fasting can be accompanied by other “things” we give up during this time of fasting.  I did not find anywhere in the bible that food was not given up for fasting. For instance, Ezra 4:16: “Go, gather…

  • Prayer

    Do we need to pray without ceasing? Let’s be careful how we understand this question, but it does not change the truth of God’s word. Prayer itself does not bring salvation. Salvation is by the grace of God in Faith in Jesus Christ.  Why, then, should we pray?  Prayer is not to furnish God with…

  • Faith, how much?

    Faith in Jesus Christ is our means of Salvation. We would not have salvation without devoted faith in Christ’s sinless and finished works, His death on the cross, His burial, His resurrection, and His ascension. Keys: Knowing and believing in God and doing His works is not enough. We must have faith in Christ for…

  • The Transformative Power of the Gospel Message

    The Gospel message, often called the “Good News,” can profoundly transform lives. Rooted in Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, the Gospel offers hope, redemption, and a new way of living. Here’s a closer look at how the Gospel message can transform individuals and communities. One of the Gospel’s most significant aspects is its new…