Want more faith?

God’s Word tells us how we obtain faith and how we nourish it: “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” That faith we obtain from God’s Word is first established by believing that He is and that He is the rewarder of all those who seek Him and that gives us the confidence that He will do all that he’s promised because He fulfilled many of his first promises, first that in Abraham’s seed, the entire world would be blessed. We know that Seed to be our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the blessing he brought to us was the promise of eternal life through God’s Grace. And God’s Loving Grace is that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us to take away our sins

God’s Word describes how God began a work many centuries beforehand, providing examples and events foreshadowing the work He has planned for much later. We can see how the prophesies describing John and the advent of Jesus Christ in the old testament were made to come about and we can have confidence and take comfort in the prophesies and promises given to us in the new testament that God will cause these to come about as well.

This strengthens and deepens our faith which is the key thing which we must carefully nourish by the Word of God. We should start and end each day in God’s word. It’s spiritual food and Jesus said that we should not live by bread alone but by every word out of the mouth of God. Have you ever meditated on God’s word in the morning and noticed how your entire day is different as you walk in the spirit and in close connection with God?

Everything begins and ends with faith. Our hope in the promise of eternal salvation is dependent upon faith. Without faith we cannot please God. Without faith in God, Abram would not have left his homeland and gone to a place promised to him but that he never owned. Without faith, those that came to Jesus could not have been cured. The Holy Spirit works in and through our faith to keep us.