Ascension and coming the down of the Holy Spirit
I am beginning a series of messages exploring Christ’s ascension and the arrival of the Holy Spirit. This ten-part series will focus on the various powers and gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit. These separate messages will come out every other morning.
The Ascension of Christ
Jesus assured His followers that they would soon receive the Holy Spirit and directed them to stay in Jerusalem until the Spirit arrived. The Holy Spirit equips us with the strength and abilities needed to live as the Christians God calls us to be. Through the Spirit, we are empowered to glorify Him and carry out the Great Commission. God never commands us to a mission without providing the resources necessary to accomplish it.
Acts 1:9-11. The Bible account of the Ascension. This event is a literal account of the going up of Christ, witnessed by many and by angels. As the disciples searched the sky to find Jesus, a cloud hid Him from their view, and two angels appeared and promised Christ’s return “in just the same way that you have watched Him go”.
The Ascension of Jesus Christ was a sign of the end of His earthly ministry. God the Father had sent His Son into the world, and now the Son was returning to the Father.
The Ascension marked the ultimate confirmation of Christ’s triumph in His earthly mission. Every prophecy had been fulfilled, and the work of redemption was completed. Christ’s blood atonement was offered, and the victory over death was secured. The next step in God’s eternal plan—the outpouring of the Holy Spirit—was promised, awaiting fulfillment in God’s perfect timing.
At His Ascension, Jesus goes to prepare a place for us. John 14:3-10 In Jewish tradition, the groom visits the bride’s house briefly before returning to his own home to make every necessary preparation for their future together. During this time, the bride also prepares herself, turning her focus toward her new home and future life rather than her current circumstances. She dedicates herself to becoming pleasing to her groom, understanding that while she was born into her first home, her new home has been intentionally prepared just for her. Similarly, the church is the bride, and Christ is the bridegroom. When He ascended, He began preparing a place uniquely designed for us.
After Christ’s Ascension into heaven, God graciously sent the Holy Spirit to equip and empower us in our daily lives. The Holy Spirit works within us to provide strength, guidance, and encouragement. Here are some of the profound ways the Holy Spirit uplifts and fortifies us: